Filtering by Tag: explore

Fall in Paris

France has been a huge part of my life. I studied abroad in the French countryside when I was 19. I visited my French cousins who grew up there. My first job in fashion sent me to France and other parts of Europe. After my mother’s marriage to my stepfather, I also gained three French stepbrothers who grew up in France. But it has been awhile since I’ve visited.

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Would You Ever Car-Camp?

What is car-camping you ask? It’s camping, but instead of sleeping in a tent, you sleep in a car. It was a first for me this past weekend and will probably be my LAST time as well! Lol. It wasn’t my idea. But I do love adventure, road-trips, nature, and new experiences, so I was completely open to the idea. It was also my first time in the mountains of Idyllwild.

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Road Trip to Montreal

Ever since my mother’s brain injury last year, I’ve been visiting Boston more often to check in on her. Things are different and will never be the same. A fact of life I have to accept. Life is short and I want to take advantage of the time I have with my mother. I thought it would be nice to take her and my stepdad on a road trip, to change up their environment and do something new, especially since the last year has been challenging for them. For all of us really.

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Spring Break: Italy & Portugal

It has been awhile since I have written. Life can be so confusing. I think I’m going through a mid-life crisis. Is that possible? Something had been feeling off and it had been difficult to pinpoint. But I knew, I needed to change my environment, even if temporarily, to change my energy, flow, and focus.

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November Birthday in Oaxaca!

Each year, I try to plan a new adventure for my birthday. Usually international with the exception of last year, pre-vaccine. It softens the blow of getting older and helps me reframe the occasion to be a more joyous one. Once September hits, I get that back-to-school fall feeling even though I have not been in school in years. That nervousness of starting a new chapter, not knowing what to expect.

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Road Trip!

Endings always make me feel sad and nostalgic for what was or used to be. Even if ending something felt right and is the best thing to do. Yes, beginnings can be exciting too but beginnings are unknown and uncertain and always give me a little bit of anxiety.

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Let's Hike!

It feels like the year just started and somehow it’s March already and I haven’t submitted this post (it has been sitting in my drafts)! There’s so much stress and anxiety that not only comes with ending a year but also beginning a new one. There’s so much hope but also a lot of fear at the same time. I definitely felt it. Anyone else?

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