My Favorite Bolognese!

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I love bolognese. It’s my go-to Italian dish in LA. I used to like it super chunky but after having so many different variations here, I discovered that bolognese is actually really good when it’s a little creamy. Not too creamy though. I’ve made many versions of bolognese, never keeping track of measurements until now. I have always just tasted as I cooked and added whatever was needed in the moment. Earlier this year, I dated someone who believed he had Celiac and was also allergic to dairy. I wanted to make him a diary-free bolognese and I experimented with coconut milk. Surprisingly, it was delicious! While the relationship did not work out, my creamy bolognese did and I am grateful for that! It’s now one of my favorite things to make! And this time, I have it all written out so that I can recreate it whenever I want. I always have some in my freezer to eat later! Here is my slightly creamy but still chunky bolognese recipe. Keep in mind, I tend to go heavier on veggies because I love vegetables. Feel free to cut down on the vegetables. I hope you like it!

Davy’s Bolognese (Serves 6-8)


1 lb ground beef

1.5 cups of carrots, diced (You can cut down to only 1 cup. I generally prefer lots of veggies.)

1.5 cups of celery, diced (You can cut down to only 1 cup. I generally prefer lots of veggies.)

¾ lb or 12 oz of cremini or white button mushrooms, chopped up/diced (optional —mushrooms aren’t typically included in bolognese recipes but I love them and had to have!)

1 small sweet onion, diced

1.75 lb (large) can of unsalted crushed tomatoes

1 cup of tomato sauce

½ cup of chicken broth (optional)

¾ cup canned coconut milk

½ cup white or red wine

6 garlic cloves, diced

6 sprigs of thyme

2-2½ tsp salt

1 tsp black pepper

½ tbsp red chili flakes (optional-I like it a little spicy!)

2 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp sugar

1 cup of shredded parmesan (optional)

1 ½ cup of chopped parsley (optional)


In a large pan, heat 2 tbsp of olive oil over medium to high heat. Add onions and cook until they have lightly browned. Add garlic, carrots, and celery. Add a tbsp water. When carrots have softened, add mushrooms. Sprinkle with ½ tsp salt and ½ tsp black pepper. When mushrooms are mostly cooked, turn heat down to medium. Add meat and season with 1 tsp salt, ½ tsp black pepper, and 1 tsp sugar. Break up the ground meat into smaller pieces, lightly browning it. Add wine and stir, cooking for a few minutes longer until some of the wine has evaporated. Then pour in crushed tomatoes and tomato sauce and add chili flakes, remaining ½-1 tsp salt, and sprigs of thyme. Turn heat down to medium-low and let simmer for about 2 hours, with lid slightly ajar. Stir periodically. Add chicken broth or water halfway if the sauce becomes too thick.

After 2 hours, taste the sauce. Add additional salt or pepper, if needed. Pour in coconut milk. Simmer for another hour on low heat. Don’t worry if there is a lot of juice. Sauce will thicken as it cooks and once it sets. If it is too thick at the end, add some pasta water.

Serve over pasta and sprinkle with fresh parsley and parmesan.

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